Diversity and Inclusion

DDGI Limited (“DDGI”), as a member of the DDCAP Group™ the “Group” is an equal opportunities employer. This means it is our policy that there should be no discrimination of any employee, job applicant, customer, provider of services or member of the public because of one of the following protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity, race, colour, nationality, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.

We speak and write on matters relevant to the inclusion, acceleration and elevation of women in the workplace and engage proactively with educational programmes for women, both academic and professional.

In June 2020, HM Treasury published an updated list of Women in Finance Charter signatories on gov.uk amongst which DDGI was proud to be included as a recent signatory. The Charter was introduced by HM Treasury in March 2016 to ensure signatory organisations can work together to help build greater gender balance in financial services, reflecting the UK government’s aspiration to see greater gender balance throughout the industry.

Through signing the Charter, DDGI has committed to promoting gender diversity by:

  • Having a member of the senior executive team who is responsible and accountable for gender diversity and inclusion
  • Setting internal targets for gender diversity in senior management
  • Publishing progress annually against these targets in reports on the DDCAP Group website 
  • Having an intention to ensure the pay of the senior executive team is linked to delivery against internal targets for gender diversity

DDGI’s current targets within the Charter are to:

  • Achieve (or exceed) having at least 50% women in senior roles;

Natalie Morse, Executive Director and Company Secretary, has been appointed as the Senior Management Team member responsible for DDGI’s diversity and inclusion work.

Remuneration for members of our senior executive team is determined against financial and non-financial objectives, which are set annually through the Group’s formal Appraisal and Interim Review processes.  The non-financial objectives will include a commitment to increasing the diversity of our workforce.

Stella Cox CBE, Managing Director commented that: “DDGI’s admittance as a signatory to Women in Finance Charter is an exciting and welcome development for the DDCAP Group. As a female executive mandated for more than 20 years to lead a financial services business it will be no surprise that a focus on diversity and inclusion has been at the heart of our organisation for a very long time. However we must not be complacent and, having established our internal policies, commitments and ambitions, our signatory status now affords us an unprecedented and privileged opportunity to collaborate with other financial sector firms who share our values so as to accelerate our endeavours and make public disclosure of our intentions, setting targets that will continue to challenge us as we progress.”

2023 annual review of DDGI’s targets:

  • Achieve (or exceed) having at least 50% women in senior roles;
    • As an overall target, we have yet to achieve having 50% of women in senior roles. We are looking to achieve our 50% target by September 2024.